Last year the Longines Global Champions Tour in Antwerp was the first one on the agenda, this year it is the second LGCT-event of the year. Different will be the location. Still at the beautiful scenery of the Schelde river this year the LGCT Antwerp will take place at the Cockerillkaai. The organisation confirms that the reason of a change in location is due to the limited place available. That is why the event will say goodbye to the historic background and moves a bit more south along the river in Antwerp City. Het belooft opnieuw een spectaculaire editie te worden aan de Antwerpse Schelde. Vier dagen lang kleuren wij Antwerpen hippisch met een event die u naar goede gewoonte de beste paarden en ruiters serveert. Already be impressed by the new poster-design and check out the website for more information