Jan Tops, Founder and President Longines Global Champions Tour: "It is amazing - [the Championship Ranking] is only a few points apart. Rolf has one less score than Christian but we still have five legs, so anything can happen. This kind of series is very special. Only the really good ones can be consistent to stay on top. Who wins this series is like the world champion in our sport." Virginie Coupérie-Eiffel, President Longines Paris Eiffel Jumping: "The weather was very complicated. Uliano again did his magic and created magnificent rounds and a fabulous jump off. Congratulations to Rolf he is a great champion. Of course I would like to have heard the Marseillaise!" Rolf-Göran Bengtsson, LGCT Grand Prix of Paris winner: "It is a fantastic series and it is something special to get on the podium in Doha in the final. I won the show there in Doha but was second two times (in the championship). Casall is 17 years old now, so could be his last season - every show I can go with him and win a class like a GCT class is very special. It was a fantastic crowd and they stayed in the rain." Simon Delestre, LGCT Grand Prix of Paris Silver Medallist: "Ryan is very fast and from the very beginning I set out to jump fast. In the end Rolf beat me on the really tight turn he did on the vertcal but I was very pleased with tonight and it’s just before Rio so it's a good result." Pénélope Leprevost, LGCT Grand Prix of Paris Bronze Medallist: "I was second to go I did my best. I was just behind Simon and I am happy tonight." Christian Ahlmann, LGCT Ranking Leader: "I tried my best. Caribis Z is a very young horse. I hope next week to go a step further. It is getting closer and closer. It is getting really tight now. I need to get the reins a bit shorter and get some more points."