Michael Duffy, U25 rider of winning team Miami Celtics: “When I got the call a few months ago to be asked to be on a team was a dream come true. So it was a great start and to come here and win on the first event is a great start for the season — let’s hope we can stay there. Teaming up with Denis Lynch was absolutely brilliant because me being a little green at this level I made a silly mistake yesterday, I pushed too much into the double, and luckily enough he gave me a team talking and a slap on the wrist and it was a good education for me and made a massive difference. Thankfully my mistake didn’t cost in the end. This is what we all get out of bed in the morning for – this is the level everyone aspires to be at and these are the best shows in the world so for me it’s a dream come true and what better stage to show yourself on?"   Gregory Wathelet, of second placed Paris Panthers: “Today we were not as good as yesterday. I knew I could have one down but I could not be too slow to stay ahead of Valkenswaard, so that’s why I tried to play a bit for that and also for myself. It worked. The new system is more clear, easier to follow, and you could see that things could change so quickly — we could be the winner today or we could also be fifth or sixth.”   Marcus Ehning, of third placed Valkenswaard United: “For me it’s the first time here in Mexico and I’m really impressed by the show, it’s a really amazing show. Today we were hoping more to get to the lead, but we both had one down in the second round. But at the end it was a good start for us and we still have space to improve.”