In a barrage of five, Mans Thijssen was the first to take the lead. The Dutch rider started with Hello, an eleven-year-old KWPN stallion by Alano. The pair, just like in the first round, remained faultless with a time of 42.44 seconds. Danish rider Emil Hallundbaek was next in line with Chalisco (sired by Chacco-Blue). They improved the time to 39.90 seconds.

Maartje Verberckmoes was the first Belgian to start. In the saddle of Guidam's Willow the Second (sired by Willow), she unfortunately received a disqualification. Koen Vereecke relied on the trusted expertise of Lector vd Bisschop (sired by Bamako de Muze). The twelve-year-old BWP stallion didn't disappoint and sped to a time of 37.90 seconds.

The last to attempt to go even faster was Marcus Ehning. The German rider had Stargold (sired by Stakkato Gold) under the saddle for this event. A faultless round in a time of 45.43 earned them the fourth place.

Full results


  1. Koen Vereecke - Lector vd Bisschop (by Bamako de Muze)
  2. Emil Hallundbaek - Chalisco (by Chacco Blue)
  3. Mans Thijssen - Hello (by Alano)
  4. Marcus Ehning - Stargold (by Stakkato Gold)
  5. Maartje Verberckmoes - Guidam's Willow the Second (by Willow)