It was the great grey Clooney who carried him to victory on both previous occasions in Lyon in 2018 and 2019. Clooney also carried him to individual silver at the FEI World Equestrian Games™ in 2018, to the individual European title in 2019, to European team bronze in 2015 and 2017 and to runner-up spot behind compatriot Guerdat at the last Longines FEI Jumping World Cup™ Final in Gothenburg in 2019. The pair were an extraordinary partnership, but the horse was injured in a freak fall in his paddock in August. However he has made an amazing recovery and after a period of rehabilitation at a clinic in Zurich is settling into happy retirement after some worrying months for Fuchs and his tight-knit team.

“He’s going out to grass and behaving well, he’s very happy to be back in his old stable surrounded by his friends and we are all so happy to have him home. He’s had such a great reaction from people all around the world who love him, and that has helped us all get through this,” Fuchs pointed out. 

So no wonder he’s feeling good, and after today’s success he’s looking forward to the rest of the Western European League season - and very proud of Chaplin who is also owned by Clooney’s owner, Luigi Baleri. “I’m going to Verona next week and then Madrid”, the Swiss star pointed out tonight. And with 20 points already racked up, he is well on the road to Longines FEI Jumping World Cup™ Final in April 2022.

F © Christophe Taniére/FEI