"For my comeback in the sport, I chose a national competition here. However, I still take each day as it comes. But my first course already felt great. That gives me hope for the future," the Swedish jumper says.

"The most challenging part of a comeback is listening to your body and the horses. Holding back and not rushing into things. That's why I decided to start again slowly and gradually step up."

The injury makes you contemplate

"I suffered a neck injury in June in Stockholm. From that moment until I reached the hospital, I really wondered what I would do in the future. It was mentally all a bit hazy," Fredricson explained. "I had never been 'out' for so long before. But I received good guidance and now I feel ready to be back in the saddle."

"As for the European Championship? I don't think I'm ready for it. I hope to compete in an LGCT event in London again, but a major championship might come too early."

Source: tidningenridsport