Horses, they are beautiful, elegant, sweet and time consuming. As a passionate equestrian you have to sacrifice a lot, lucky we get some love in return from our beloved animal. That makes up for all those parties we had to miss, all those nice clothes that got ruined, all those summers we had to miss holidays... here is a top list of the sacrifices we make as a passionate equestrian. 1. Tanned legs, I don't think so. Strange but true... The sun is shining, it's nice weather outside. A day at the barn is best spend in our nice fitting breeches and boots. Ooh I guess we just need to find that one person who will invent Breeches that protect our skin, but let the sun tan our legs as well... who's up for that task? 2. Goodbye friends & parties. A horse is jealous and clever! Secretly they ask so much attention from us we have to cancel 'social life' from our agenda. "Hey are you free for a drink tonight?" - "Euhm, I've a competition in the morning and will only leave the stable at 9pm... sorry I won't make it," sounds familiar, no? And when we have no competitions, well the horses will always find a way to get our attention. Or they feel a bit down, they have a little cold, they just fool around, etc. 3. Nice clothes in my closet? Let me search... We spend our time at the barn, and nice clothes get ruiend. Why bother buying some fashionable new designer outfit, when can we wear it? Our closet is stacked with equestrian clothing. Some breeches, jeans and shirts... that's it. 4. Easy dates. So you finally found some time to go on a date. Let's hope the other person realizes he is dating not one but two 'persons'. Whoever dates you has to date your horse as well. Or at least be aware he or she will never be on the first place. Doesn't make dating that much easier, well played horse ;) 5. Savings Money, money, money ... we cannot save it, only spend it. Only the best is good enough for our horse, unfortunately that comes with a price tag. Food, Vet, Farrier, Shoes, tack, etc. We can just hope there is something left to buy ourselves something nice. It's how they say... "You want to become an equestrian miljonair? Then start as a billionaire." BUT... IT IS WORTH IT ...