From the end of January 2022, a regulation governing the use of veterinary medicines must come into force in all EU countries. The aim is to get antibiotic resistance under control. Criteria for this are being developed with the help of science. However, an amendment tabled by the European Parliament's Committee on the Environment at the end of August has caused a stir. According to this amendment, the reserve antibiotics fluoroquinolones, third and fourth generation cephalosporins, as well as polymyxins and macrolides are to be banned in animals and used only in humans.

The Federal Association of Practicing Veterinarians (bpt) then launched a signature campaign and collected more than 640,000 signatures from veterinarians and animal owners who are against this antibiotic ban. Last Wednesday, the EU Parliament voted 450 to 204 against a general ban on certain antibiotics for animals.

Source: Reiterrevue