"An era is over and it’s with a bleeding heart that our lovely Bohemian is leaving his longtime home with me", starts Laudrup-Dufour her message.

"Bohemian has been an absolute dream to work with throughout the past many years and I almost can’t believe what we have achieved together. From a young horse to an Olympic horse, European medalist, 90% barrier braking dream horse."

"I’m thankful beyond and what I’m most thankful for is the fact that he brought me together with his owners Family Zinglersen. Without you Bohemian, we never would have become as close as we are today."

The rider realizes all too well that top sport sometimes requires sacrifices, especially to get higher. "Staying on top of dressage sport takes A LOT and sometimes it means that one horse has to go. In very close corporation with family Zinglersen we decided that now was the right time and together we will invest in new youngsters so that we hopefully can chase more dreams and produce more one in a million horses like Bohemian."

Finally, she thanks everyone who has supported them in everything from their time together. "Thanks to everyone who’s been a part of our journey, and a very special thanks to my two coaches who believed in us since day one."

In her post, she also announced who the top horse's new owners are: "Best of luck to his new home at Sportpferde Galleria, I hope that you will enjoy chasing your dreams with our lovely Bohemian."