"We are all aware that in recent days the situation in Poland has become serious and that many events, including international sports competitions, are being cancelled. As far as Cavaliada Warsaw is concerned, many competitors from outside of Poland have been registered and many foreign guests have confirmed their arrival. The international character that underpins Cavaliada’s success, has now contributed to the decision to cancel the event. Unfortunately, as you are well aware, the indoor equestrian competition season is coming to an end soon, so despite our sincere desire, there is no way to postpone the organization of the competition to a later date.

We wish to assure you that we have done everything we could to make this event as wonderful and safe as all the previous meetings of the Cavaliada community. However, we have no influence on external factors. At this point, despite the fact that we are fully prepared, we have to communicate this very sad message to you.

We all share common feelings for horses. That is why we strongly believe that we will see you at the next Cavaliada Tour. Right now we would like to invite you all to Poznań in December."