While Ukraine and Russia are discussing a potential peace agreement, the FEI is deciding today about cancelling all FEI events this year in Russia and Belarus. Meanwhile the EEF president has written an open brief to Andriy Miloyanov, president of the Ukrainian equestrian federation.
President Theo Ploegmakers expresses his solidarity and calls for all people that want to support the equestrians in Ukraine.
"Sport has been a longstanding beacon of peace and unity, providing countries with an opportunity to practice fair play and sportsmanship, traditionally without a role in politics. However, we cannot stand by and witness these deplorable actions and feel that as a sport, we should unite together. In Europe we believe in equality, democracy, and rule of law, and we must place these at the forefront of our actions as we move forward in these uncertain and difficult times. "
Meanwhile Ukrainian riders are looking for shelter for their horses. Also legendary stallion, Cornet Obolensky is currently stabled in Ukraine. Other riders request financial aid to maintain their horses.