The HUBSIDE JUMPING and its partners Hubside.Store and Indexia have been supporting high -level sport throughout the year since the launch of the circuit in 2019. In 2020, as soon as the health situation in France made it possible, the circuit played a key role in the recovery of the sports and economic activity for many of the players in world high-level show jumping. In 2021, the HUBSIDE JUMPING organised 15 weeks of competition in Grimaud and Ratières, confirming its support for the sport.

‘It is important to us to carry on the HUBSIDE JUMPING shows, continuing to welcome all stakeholders in the best conditions possible,’ explains Sadri Fegaier, the President and Founder of the HUBSIDE JUMPING.

In 2022 and in the coming years, the HUBSIDE JUMPING wishes to continue to make its facilities in Var and Drôme, whose top quality has been universally praised, available to high-level riders. For sport, and so that a circuit, that the riding community has unanimously adopted, continues to exist.