Babington went through surgery a few days later. According to 'ChromoOfHorse' his sister in law reporterd that there was no break or sever found. It's in the C3 and C4 area. During the fall the spinal cord was almost stretched, they think, and when he fell, his neck was extended. They believe the trauma is inside the spinal column itself. Sort of like a hematoma, there is a bleeding in there. The goal is to reduce the swelling as much as possible. 

"Physical therapy might help. It depands on how the body recovers and if the swelling goes down". 

Babington remains positive, "you know, I'm a horse trainer, and I will be a horse trainer again". 

The GoFundMe campagne has collected over 500.000 dollar to help pay the medical bills.

If you would like to contribute with a donation you can click here.   

Source: ChromoOfHorse

F: Sportfot