"With the horses we have now we are 100 percent committed to get a qualification for the Games. But after Tokyo that will change and the horses will probably be available to be bought, but I won't stop riding them." Madden says.

“I don’t know that you can ever say you’ve done everything that you’ve wanted to do,” said Madden. “I think that’s the great thing about this sport is there’s always more out there to do and to learn. I think young riders coming along can have some great opportunities coming up, and I’d love to be a part of trying to make a career for another young rider."

Madden will look to develop horses between the ages of 5 and 8, as well as further the education of up-and-coming riders. She currently trains Strauss, Madison Goetzmann and Alex Matz, who all board their horses with her, as well as four to five external clients, who she trains on an ad-hoc basis. Going forward, Madden will look to take on two to three more stabled riders, and an additional two that require less commitment.

source: Chronofhorse