International Jumping Riders Club (IJRC) is responsible for the formula of the FEI Longines Ranking List but the responsible for the fair development of the events and the Avant programme’s approval are:

- National Federations
- Foreign judge (appointed by the FEI).

International Jumping Riders Club has already informed the FEI’s Legal and Jumping department.

IJRC Director Eleonora Ottaviani has already made the following statement: “The IJRC have asked the FEI to intervene to ensure fair play and the fair development of jumping events. In order to preserve the credibility of our sport and competitions, it is important to respect Art. 100 of the FEI General Regulations that establish that "Athletes may compete against each other under fair and equal conditions” and to act not only in respect of the rules, but also "in respect of Athletes, Teams, IFs (FEI), NFs, and fans”, as stated by the Olympic Charter. We are hoping that the appropriate authoritieswill analyse this issue thoroughly and that the right decisions will be made. IJRC also asked the FEI Jumping Department to organize a Longines Ranking Working Group meeting asap, in order to address this.