Following the conclusion of Ulf Helgstrand’s tenure on the board, having served the maximum time permitted, the position of 2nd Vice President was vacant and open for selection by the President.

Quentin Simonet (FRA) was first elected to the EEF board in 2019 and chairs the development, driving and endurance working group. He has been part of the Fédération Française d'Equitation for over 14 years and currently holds the position of National Technical Manager after previously working within events, officials, and competition departments. His current position includes the roles of chef de mission for the Olympic games, sport-related international relations coordination and driving discipline management.

Speaking of the appointment, Theo Ploegmakers said “We have a hugely talented board at the EEF, and Quentin has been an invaluable part of it for several years now. I am proud to have him as our 2nd Vice President and believe his contributions will continue to drive the EEF forward.”

Quentin Simonet said, “Acting as 2nd EEF vice president, for the growth and accessibility of our sport alongside my colleagues of the board and in collaboration with national federations, is an honour and above all a big responsibility that I am very motivated to take on.

I would like to thank the French federation to allow me to pursue raising missions in addition to my role in the French organization to serve equestrian activities on a larger scope through the EEF and of course I would like to thank Theo Ploegmakers for the trust he places in me with this appointment.”

Speaking further on the importance of the EEF, Simonet added “I strongly believe in this future-driven organization, which has a growing influence to become a European catalyst of the equestrian industry with member NFs as key institutional partners. I will do my best to strengthen the ongoing process which is framed under the 2020-2026 EEF Strategic Plan and achieve our goals across social principles, in support of the community, and sustainability. We as EEF must lead and promote European responsible consensus to ensure that our stakeholder's expectations remain always at the forefront of the discussions.”

The EEF board is composed of Theo Ploegmakers (President), George Dimaras (1st Vice President), Quentin Simonet (2nd Vice President), Simone Perillo, Eleonora Ottaviani, Soenke Lauterbach, Nayla Stössel, Alan Andabaka, Elisabeth Max-Theurer.

Source: Press Release EEF