The European Equestrian Federation (EEF) and IJRC calls on all National Equestrian Federations in Europe and outside Europe to stop all competitions with immediate effect.
This call should be regarded as an urgent advice and was prompted by the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. The EEF considers it necessary to cancel all equestrian competitions in all disciplines from today until end April 2020.
It is an established fact that the ultimate decision whether or not to hold an equestrian competition is and remains the responsibility of the organizations themselves, and of the policies that are or will be determined by the government of each country.
The EEF will continue to monitor developments around the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus on a daily basis and will provide additional advice if there is reason to do so.
The EEF assumes that everyone involved in the equestrian world in any way is aware of their social responsibility and will follow this urgent advice wherever possible.