Young, talented and always smiling, that is the perfect description of Constant van Paesschen. The son of the big Stanny van Paesschen is following his father on his way to the top. Last November in Doha he got first noticed after ending fifth in the Grand Prix of the Global Champions Tour. In Chantilly Equnews had an interview with this young, modest boy.

What are your goals for this season?

I would like to finish my season the way I started it. The only possible way I can achieve that goal is if my horses keep healthy. Concerning the WEG 14 in Caen, it would be nice to participate there, but it's not my priority. Of course I have it in my mind, but I'm still young...


In Aachen we heard Toscan got injured, any news on that?

Toscan got injured in his box in Aachen. Although it was a minor injury we decided to take the certain over the uncertain. At the moment Toscan is doing well at home.

What is it to be at the top at your age? How are the (older) big riders looking and acting to You?

There is a nice atmosphere between the young and older, more experienced, riders. We can talk serious but also make fun. Everybody is nice to each other. Even more the young riders do get the respect from them. Further I think we all just want one thing, to WIN.


How do you see your future? Together with your father or alone?

Everything will depend on the future, I cannot say how everything wil evolve. It is possible I will leave home one day, just like my father did one day. But at the moment I love training with my father. We work well together. We are a bit the same and understand each other.


Do you have an opinion on the drawing of the WEG14 ?

It is difficult to say something about that subject. It might go or it might not. I know there is a lot of polymics around the subject, but I don't know if that is the way how we choose a World Champion.