35 nations are gathered in the jumping championships tomorrow. 22 of them are participating in the team competition. The team competition medals are given on Friday, while the individual final is on Sunday.  

Today all the jumpers have trained in the Stutteri Ask Stadium, where they got the chance to jump on a course with 8 fences, among other the water jump and a double. They were not forced to ride all the jumps, so some of the riders only took a few. Most of the horses looked in top shape and it will for sure be exciting to see who will become the new world champions in this discipline.  

The home nation performed super in the training, but the competition is hard with favourite nations like Sweden and Germany looking good – and in jumping everything can happen. So, keep your eyes open for the coming days of jumping.  

The first rider in the competition is from Mexico, the host nation is riding as team number 20, while it is Sweden who is finishing as the last team out of 22 teams participating. Besides the teams there are some individual riders participating in the championship and in total 103 riders are participating in the championships. The Danish national coach Bo K. Møller is happy about the draw: 

“We are glad that we do not have to ride as number one, but if it had been the reality, we had kept our head high. Starting as number 20 gives us more peace, so all the Danish riders can watch some riders compete before going to the warmup themselves. We are feeling ready for tomorrow and all the Danish horses jumped very well at the familiarisation today.” 

The team starting order:  
1. Mexico 
2. Spanien 
3. Irland 
4. Belgien 
5. Australien 
6. Tyskland 
7. Holland 
8. Columbia 
9. Norge 
10. Storbritannien 
11. Frankrig 
12. Brasilien 
13. Italien 
14. Canada 
15. Israel 
16. Østrig 
17. Argentina 
18. Schweiz 
19. Japan 
20. Danmark 
21. USA 
22. Sverige