On the occasion of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games™ 2014 in Normandy, the Organizing Committee of this planetary event scheduled from 23rd August to 7th September this year has decided to officially support the humanitarian organization JustWorld International. This makes JustWorld International one of just four charities to benefit from the outstanding visibility offered by this exceptional equestrian event. "It's an incredible honor for JustWorld to be chosen!" exclaimed Jessica Newman when the sponsorship was announced. Indeed, the Games, which are held once every four years, are a precious opportunity to raise public awareness. With over 500,000 visitors expected over the course of a fortnight, this is a chance to promote projects funded by the charity in Guatemala, Honduras, Cambodia and Colombia, with the help of the whole equestrian community. "This event is also an opportunity to bring together many JustWorld Ambassadors who live all over the world - whether they are judges, speakers, riders or partners," adds Newman. "I would like to thank everyone in the Organizing Committee for this invaluable show of support. It reinforces our desire to expand our action to the whole world and establish a household name for JustWorld within equestrian sport." The first visible consequence of the support is the JustWorld logo that Norman, the mascot of the Games, will wear on his t-shirt! That's right: the loveable stuffed horse that has been traveling around show grounds for two years now has become an influential JustWorld supporter! JustWorld's volunteers will unite to make the most of this extraordinary opportunity. A stand has been offered to the charity in the heart of the Games Village at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games™ 2014 in Normandy. Members of the charity, who will provide information about the humanitarian projects, will welcome visitors who come to the stand and operations carried out and funded by JustWorld in fields such as education, nutrition, basic health and hygiene and Leadership/vocational training. A daily drawing will be open to visitors, with various prizes donated by JustWorld's partners including once in a lifetime opportunities to meet and spend time with world famous ambassadors. Last but not least, merchandise bearing the JustWorld logo - badges, caps, t-shirts and belts - will be sold on the stand to raise funds for the charity.