After a good start of the indoor season Dutch dressage rider shares even more good news with the world in a Facebook post. The owners of Arlando N.O.P. have decided that the Olympic horse of Van Silfhout will stay with him for a longer unforeseen period. This means that the rider will for sure be able to ride on top level with Arlando for the commingling years.

“I want to thank all my sponsors and the owners of Arlando that he can stay with me after the Olympics in Rio.” comments Diederik on Facebook. He continues calling Arlando N.O.P. an 'once in a lifetime' horse.

“He was very happy to be back in the ring. During the Kür everything was just right. He gave me a good feeling the whole ride was fantastic. The last line towards the end was amazing, what a power! It is special how this horse gives it all and does not miss a stride.”