Stephex-owner, Stephan Conter, has bought the AES-approved sire Atlantys by Wisbecq. The seven-year-old Argentinus-son did leave a remarkable impression at the Sunshine Tour earlier this year, trained and ridden by breeder and owner Gaëten Decroix. Last year the stallion scored at several international competitions such as Strazeele, Béthune, Maubeige, Hardelot, etc.
The father, Argentinus, doesn't need an introduction. But also the mare-line of Atlantys by Wisbecq is a competitive one. Mother Narcotique du Houssoit (s. Darco) competed on a Grand Prix level and is inter alia the mother of Cordarone du Houssoit Z (s. Carthago) who joined Eric Lamaze's stables at the age of 5 years old. Further Narcotique is second in line of the sBs-sire Accardi Du Houssoit Z (s. Arto Z) who competes on an international level with the Belgian rider Christophe Vanderhasselt.
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