1001611_10151555831268299_1907029426_nThe Belgian show-jumping coach has announced the Belgian team for the European Championships in Herning, Danmark. Kurt Gravemeier chooses for Ludo and Nicola Philippaerts, Dirk Demeersman and the Z-lady, Judy-Ann Melchior. The young Jos Verlooy travels with the team as reserve. "I believe we have found the perfect balance between experience and young upcoming talents", explains Kurt Gravemeier. "With Ludo Philippaerts and Dirk Demeersman I choose for experience. Judy-Ann Melchior is an excellent rider and has some good horses. While Nicola Philippaerts and Jos Verlooy may seem a surprise I believe in these young riders. Jos recently scored very well at the 400.000 GP in Spruce Meadows, ending sixth. Also Nicola has the perfect ability to score even under pressure." © equnews.com - photo: equpics.be