Last month John Whitaker and his Arko III-son, Argento made sure they were the best earning pair. Most thanks to the victory at the Masters Grand Slam in Hong Kong. With a total of 2 victories and a third place they earned a total of €235,000. Whitaker himself earned a total of €242,300 in the past 28 days. Henrik von Eckermann was the second best earning show jumper, have an extra €154,006 in his bank account. Surprise is the number 3... winning in Abu Dhabi Sheika Latifa Al Maktoum earnerd €115,822 in the last month. Danish dressage rider Lars Petersen was the biggest earner with €36,625 in the last month. USA's Steffen Peters made it to the second place with the dressage riders. He took home a total of €25,300. Jessica von Bredow-Wernd cashed a total of €22,530 in February.