The Belgian Warmblood Foal Auction (BWFA), organized at the CSI*** in Beervelde, Belgium, looks back at a successful edition. The renewed selection criteria made sure that the BWFA could guarantee the wanted quality for every foal. In total 24 foals were presented and auctioned this year.
With a total auctioned price money of 238.000 euro’s the estimated average price per foal is 11.900 euro. Nevertheless Castelli PKZ Z (Cascadello I x Casiro) and Nina van de Pereboom (Cabrio vd Heffinck x Thunder vd Zuuthoeve) were sold for 21.000 euro’s each, setting the best price.
Nippon de Carmel (Kannan x Heartbreaker) changed owner for the total price of 19.000 euro and was followed in the ranking by Nic Nac Quality (Kannan x Clinton) who was auctioned for 15.000 euro’s. But not only Kannan was a guarantee for quality and good price. Also Vidongo FZ by world champion Vigo d’Arsouilles x Quinto de Baussy, reached the amount of 15.000 euro’s.
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