Today, Harrie Theeuwes announced on his Facebookpage that the BWP-approved stallion De Flor 111 (Der Senaat x Action Breaker) was sold to Mexico. "Thanks to Peter van Santvoort", Harrie Theeuwes starts, "as a partner and leader of the fanclub". De Flor 111 Z was ridden by Joe Clee and De Roshoeve. The new owners are Hank Melse and the Rihan family. The seven-year-old stallion jumped himself into the spotlights several times under Joe Clee. At the start of this month, the pair participated in the three-star competition in Lanaken. They went clear in every round. At the end of last year, the set finished second in the national stallion competition in Mechelen. Eveline 111, the dam of De Flor 111 Z, is a daughter of the BWP-elite stallion Action Breaker. He jumped at the highest level with Sergio Alvarez Moya.