The 5-year old stallion D'avie, after Don Juan de Hus / Londonderry / Walt Disney I is back at Helgstrand Dressage after staying at Arlette Jasper-Kohl and Professor Edwin Kohl at Gestüt Peterhof in Germany. - We are extremely happy to have this large-framed young stallion back at Helgstrand Dressage and we are looking forward to offering him for breeding. At Gestüt Peterhof they have done an amazing job with the stallion, and we have had a good cooperation, says Andreas Helgstrand. D'avie was a Premium Stallion at the Hanoverian Licensing in 2014 and was sold at the following auction to the highest price. - The stallion was taken out of the breed as 4-year old, as the semen quality was not good enough. But fortunately, it has changed so we can now offer this amazing stallion, that with a modern type, great rhythmic gaits and fantastic nerve has a lot to offer, says Andreas. - We have a rider that fits perfectly with this young stallion and the plan is that D'avie is going to attend the World Championship for Young Dressage Horses in Ermelo this summer. He is approved for HANN, OLD and DWB.