In recent weeks Emma VP (s. Darco) was noticed under the saddle of Dag Keymolen. Eventually Belgian Gaetan Decroix (Le Haras de Wisbecq) bought the BWP mare together with Ariane Dotreppe his new co-owner. The Belgian rider Dag Keymolen and the nine year old Darco-mare won the CSI2* Grand Prix in Aix-Meyreuil in the first week of the event and finished second in the Grand Prix in the second week. Gaetan Decroix: “I think she will be a good horse next to my stallion Belitys de la demi-lune, she can even be his successor. After selling Up and Down by Wisbecq to Gilbert De Roock, we decided to reinvest the money in a talented horse and that’s Emma.” © studforlife