The cooperation between Stutteri Ask A/S and Swedish rider Rolf-Göran Bengtsson of Stall Bengtsson & Kristoffersen (Breitenburg, Germany) has come to an end.  Stutteri Ask has been the main sponsor of Stall Bengtsson & Kristoffersen since April 2013. The decision has been made as the parties have different plans and future strategies making a continuing partnership difficult. Unita Ask will return to Stutteri Ask this week together with Boston Ask. Casall Ask and Clarimo Ask are owned by the Holsteiner Verband and will remain with Rolf.  "The sponsorship of Rolf-Goran Bengtsson has made Stutteri Ask known worldwide. It has been an amazing time, with outstanding results by Rolf and horses. Among others, Casall Ask’s victory in LGCT and Unita Ask’s participation at the Olympics Games has been absolutely fantastic experiences. We wish Rolf and all of Stall Bengtsson & Kristoffersen all the best for the future," Søren Møller Rohde, Chief rider of Stutteri Ask A/S, says.  "We are very grateful to Stutteri Ask that have given us their support for nearly four years. We had a great partnership and our cooperation has made it possible for Rolf to compete at top level, and to achieve some fantastic results in the last years. We wish Stutteri Ask all the best for the future”, Bo Kristoffersen says. Stall Bengtsson & Kristoffersen is now looking for new sponsors to Rolf-Göran Bengtsson and are ready to start new partnerships.