The Anglo-Arab stallion Febe d'Olympe (Markus x Florestan II) passed away at a age of 23. The owners of the lovely chestnut, that was riddled with cancer, faced a difficult decision but decided it was the right thing to give him a peaceful end. As a young stallion he already showed amazing potential when the 4 year old bred jumped 17 clear rounds out of 20 that year. Then he got sold to Belgium and joined the stables of showjumper Jan Vinckier who rode him up till 1m40 international level. On a later age the multi talent of this stallion got discovered when they took him out for an Eventing competition. And from then on he went on to have a successful Eventing career until a unlucky before starting a career accident definitively meant retirement of the sports. However as a the multi talented horse he was the products of his breeding efforts will be continued to be talked about on competition, one of them being Gulliver des Concessions ridden by Lara de Liedekerke.