The owner of the real-estate company, Sea Coast, has bought his girlfriend a new horse. Ferly de Muze (by Calato) moves from Hanne Mertens' stables to those of Gudrun Patteet. Ferly de Muze is a daughter of the great international winner Narcotique II de Muze (Darco), ridden by Eric Lamaze.
Alain Cloet had acquired for his companion Atlantic du Seigneur (Schilling) who is a half-brother of Callas Sitte Z (rider: Christina Liebherr (SUI)) and the mother of Arsouille et Aganix du Seigneur respectively under the saddles of Robert Breul and Jos Lansink. The 8-year-old mare, Ferly, was ridden by Hanne Mertens on a 1m40 level.
To equnews Hanne states:
"Initially it was not my intention to sell Ferly de Muze. However after Sea Coast asked us many times my father made to choice to sell my 8-year-old mare. Lucky I still have my 12-year-old gelding Urgent (by Baloubet du Rouet) to secure my position in teh 1m40 competitions. But without a doubt Ferly will always stay in my mind."
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