The French and Belgian teams for the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup Final in Barcelona have been announced. The Belgian team will consist of Dirk Demeersman and Bufero van het Panishof or Felton Mont, Pieter Devos and Candy or Equipharma Dax van d'Abdijhoeve, Francois Mathy jr. and Polinska des Isles or Espadon van de Kranenburg, Nicola Philippaerts and Cortez or Donatella as well as Jos Verlooy and Domino or Farfelu de la Pomme. A remarkable choise of Young upcoming talents for this Nations Cup's final.
The French team will consist of Patrice Delvaveau and Orient Express HDC, Eugeine Angot and Old Chap Tame, Simon Delestre and Qlassic Bois Margot, Aymeric de Ponnat and Armitages Boy as well as Penelope Leprevost and Nayana. Roger-Yves Bost and Mitrille had to cancel their participation because of an injury.
source: Equnews.com
Photo: Equpics.be