No doubt, Fernand Leredde was a "monument" in the equestrian sports world. He was one of the first breeders to put the stud farms of Normandie on the map and built the foundations of it's international reputation. More specific Fernand was the one to start the "Anglo-normandie sport horses", his son and some other breeders took over this torch. Fernand was the owner and founder of the famous studfarm Haras Des Rouges, one of the biggest names in France. He was the creator and father of some of the greatest champions and top class stallions. These are only a few of the horses Fernand breeded. Un Espoir E, (Gold medal during Olympic Games Montréal), Faon Rouge (CSI with Pessoa), Nuage Rouge (CSI with Delaveau), Papillon Rouge (CSI X Leredde), Rochet Rouge (European Champion and olympic medal winner), Flèche Rouge, (CSI with Leopold Van Asten) and so many more. Fernand was also the one who discovered some of the greatest bloodlines and stallions, under which, two wordclass sires: Quidam de Revel et Jalisco B. The reason he was so succesfull was because he was one of the first breeders to stop looking at the exterior and start looking at the bloodlines, capabilities, scope, character etc. Fernand is a great loss for the equestrian sports world and we wish his family all the best. Source : L'Eperon