Last weekend Zangersheide introduced the clone of Gem Twist to the public at the Zangersheide Open Days. Gem Twist Alpha XX Z, born July 2012 in Texas was flown to Belgium from the USA. In two years time the colt will become a breeding stallion.
Gem Twist (°1979) was born in the USA in the stables of Frank Chapot en until today he is the only horse to win the ‘American GP Association Horse of the Year Award’ three times. In 1987 Gem Twist won silver at the Pan Am Games, and a year later he won two silver medals at the Olympics in Seoul. The jumping Thoroughbred won 25 years ago more then USD800.000 , a significant amount in that time.
bron: equnews.be/ Zangersheide - foto: equpics.com