“Topsport is expensive. Due to the growing professionalism in the recent years, the cost of operating sport entails further increase”, said the German FN President Breido Graf zu Rantzau. That is why the German federation is planning to create a new fund, the 'Stiftung Deutscher Spitzenpferdesport'. This fund has to strengthen the German top performances in international sports.The fund is financed through donations and has the following objectives:
- attracting and supporting youth
- collaboration with scientific institutes
- the training and retraining of professional trainers
- support of nations teams at championships and other events
- linking talented horses to talented horsemen / horsewomen
- providing suitable training facilities
- promoting values for the image improvement of equestrianism
By attracting famous (German) people such as dressage rider Gina Capellmann-Lütkemeier and Madeleine Winter-Schulze, or Hendrik Snoek the new fund hopes to increase capacity for equestrianism in society.
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