The absolute top horse of French eventing rider Karim Laghouag, the thirteen-year-old Hannoverian Entebbe de Hus (Embassy I) has died after a bout of colic. Last Sunday, 21st of October, the horse owned by Agnès Célerier returned from the Grand Renaud au Mans veterinary clinic, but a second attack turned out to be fatal. Entebbe passed away last Wednesday evening. Laghouag described Entebbe de Hus as his ever faithful friend. "I'm heartbroken. The feeling he gave me was unique, almost magical", the French rider says. Owner Célerier adds: "I will remember him as an extraordinary horse that radiated confidence and was easy-going. He was always ready for battle and always gave it his all. He will be very missed." Entebbe was born as Enimen II, but Haras de Hus gave him his new name after they bought him. He was initially ridden by Aurélien Kahn, then at six years old he was bought by Agnès Célerier as a new ride for Karim Laghouag. Entebbe proved himself one of the best stallions at the top of the eventing sport and won five one- and two-star competitions. He also won a bronze team medal at the European Championships in 2015 and a gold team medal in Rio 2016. Our thoughts go out to Karim Laghouag, Agnès Célerier and everyone who loved Entebbe de Hus.