Last Saturday the 'HBC Stal' virtually sold all jumping mares in an auction. The pregnant Chup A Chup (s. Tolan R) was the most expensive for 15.000 euros. The auctioned breeding stock was populat with buyers from all over the world. In total the 39 mares were sold for a total sum of 368.800 euros.
Some of the mares will leave for Iraq, Poland, Germany and Kuwait. International showjumping mares Perlina W (s. Mr. Blue) goes to Jan Atlena while Davona (s. Cantos) leaves to Roelof Redder. Also Eye Catcher (s. Nabab de Rêve) was good for a high price, paid by Egbert Schep.
© equnews.com/ Horses.nl - photo: HBC Stal