The Haras du Bois Margot has announced their iconic stallion, Montender has passed away. For the international breeding community a huge loss. Montender was born in 1994 with Dutch breeder, J. Visschedijk. The KWPN-stallion by Contender x Burggraaf would become one of the most iconic show jumping stallions and receive breeding approval for KWPN, Hannover, Holstein, Oldenburg and the Selle Francais studbook. Under the saddle of Marco Kutscher, Montender jumped together many international and national successes. The pair claimed a national and vice-national show jumping titel as well jumping in the spotlights in La Baule, Wiesbaden, Balve, Munster, Aachen, Donauschingen, Barcelona, etc. In 2009 it was Ludger Beerbaum's other stable rider, Henrik von Eckermann who took over the reins. Montender has produced about 100 horses from which HH Messenger (mv. Baloubet du Rouet), Monte Bellini (mv. Ramiro Z), Montendro I (mv. Polydor), Mylord Cornet (mv. Cornet Obolensky), Tokyo du Soleil (mv. Papillon Rouge), enz. are only a couple examples jumping on an international 1.60m level.