It was sad for the riders, to realize that a vast abyss divides the worlds of sport and politics as underlined during this year’s Annual General Meeting of the FEI. At the open discussion on the preceding the day, IJRC President Christina Liebherr and Director Eleonora Ottaviani outlined riders’ wishes regarding the proposed new formats at the Olympics and the WEG. The pair also asked the FEI to review a letter signed by more than 100 Athletes and by the IJRC and NARG, which represents more than 600 athletes registered in federations and ranked in the FEI Longines Ranking list across Europe, Asia, America and North Africa. Despite this, only 11 national federations considered the riders’ opinions – to the great disappointment of the athletes. Opinions expressed at the General Assembly and related debates were not the only ones ignored by the FEI. Requests made by major federations from France, Germany and Switzerland fell on deaf ears, it seems. Yet Mr Romanais ( French Federation), Mr Claude Normand (Swiss Federation), Mr Breido Graf zu Rantzau and Mr Sönke Lauterbach (President and Secretary General of the German Federation) all expressed unequivocal opposition to the change of format at the Olympic and at the WEG. The current system shows up another issue, yet to be resolved: technical-sporting decisions are made by non-experts unable to understand the sporting world or judge the best way forward for our sport. Athletes’ views are rarely respected, resulting in decisions that are ill-informed. A serious question of discrimination also emerged in Tokyo: none-active federations are favoured at the expense of those who work tirelessly for the sport. These last benefit both sport and finance by paying substantial contributions to the FEI (including the tax on Prize money for International Shows) and by promoting sporting activities for everyone from beginners to Olympic champions (and we cannot forget the passport fee paid by riders 5,000,000 CHF plus 2,000,000 MCP also paid by riders). Between them, just three nations (Germany, France and the Netherlands) have a total of two million registered riders of which 1’599 compete at international level and are registered in the FEI. The trio have won numerous World Championships and Olympic Gold medals, yet their votes count the same as nations without horses or riders, with no activity and federations that exist in little more than name. Like the IOC and other International Federations, the FEI should now address this issue and draw up criteria for affiliation establishing a federation’s right to vote. Technical-sporting questions, in particular, require the input of established experts in the field. Other International Federations (eg. the International Skiing Federation) already require a minimum number of athletes and concrete participation at the highest level international events, organization of top international events in order to vote. Following their lead, our sport would become more professional and credible. Time-wasting controversies would all but disappear. More seriously still, some federations, whose riders include Olympic champions, fail to keep in contact or take their members’ opinions into account. Some have never even discussed the Olympic and WEG formats with their membership. The IJRC plans to get to the bottom of these issues, make comparisons with other sports and International Federations, and analyze the directives and recommendations of the IOC concerning the involvement of the Athletes. We do not intend to create controversy but to make concrete suggestions to improve. In the IRJC’s opinion, such issues can no longer be ignored. IJRC General Assembly Geneva For the first time in its history, the International Jumping and Riders Club (IJRC) opened its General Assembly to journalists. The event was also broadcast through live streaming attracting 87,000 views. Present: 39 riders ; FEI Representatives: Secretary General Sabrina Ibáñez and Gaspard Doufur (Head of IT); Press: Alban Poudret (Le cavalier Romand and CO CSIO Geneva), Umberto Martuscelli (Cavallo Magazine), Olivier Dufour (20 Minutes), Julien Pralong (ATS Sport), Patrick Oberle (Le Matin), Elise Megret (Webstallions); Clement Grandjean (Le cavalier Romand), Oriane Grandjean (Le Cavalier Romand), Susan Finerty (The Irish Field); Owners Club: represented by Mr and Mrs Megret; Guest: the Olympic dressage riders Monica Theodorescu and Isabell Werth and many others; President of NF Switzerland: Charles Troillet. The main discussion concerned the Olympic and WEG Formats and the speech of IJRC Board member Steve Guerdat focused on these two points: “The IJRC is working hard and fighting in favour of sport, not politics. The Club has showed engagement in its work and would like to be respected and considered seriously. Unfortunately this is not the case right now, even if we are the ones that make the sport and the show!” Guerdat went on to mention the letter from the FEI, in reply to the IJRC letter regarding the Olympic Format, “Mr. De Vos complained that the IJRC was too late with its proposals, but this is not correct: we have disagreed with the proposal since the General Assembly in Aachen 2015, at which Mr. De Vos was present”. Steve Guerdat stated that he also attended the Sport Forum and on that occasion he expressed his opposition to the three riders in a team with a drop score in the Olympics – as did the majority of the Chefs d’équipe present. “The FEI has to understand that the riders are united and deserve more consideration. The WEG changes approved in Tokyo were never really discussed. In the FEI’s answer, the Nations Cups’ Final in Barcelona is mentioned, but this cannot be compared with the sport showed at the Olympics. In the FEI press release we are described as clowns who wake up too late, but the FEI knows very well that this is not true. We know that the proposal was voted on by the National Federations, but it is also known that many athletes have problems with their own Federation. I am convinced that we as riders deserve more respect from the FEI and from Mr. Ingmar De Vos, as we are the ones that make our sport!” – Steve Guerdat Those present greeted Steve Guerdat’s speech with lengthy applause. The FEI General Secretary Sabrina Ibáñez excused Mr. De Vos’ absence as he was in Hong Kong for a very important meeting, working for the future of our sport. She is the FEI Secretary General and was there representing both Mr. De Vos and the whole of the FEI. She guaranteed that the FEI has a great deal of respect for the riders. She reported that the IOC made a clear request to the FEI asking for more universality in order to be more attractive both on TV and to live spectators alike. The FEI is convinced that this will only be possible with an increase of flags in equestrian events so that more countries will watch the Olympics on TV, thus increasing broadcasting revenues. The FEI analyzed the various possibilities for change and found the only solution possible: fewer riders in a team meant more countries in the team competition. Mrs. Ibanez underlined and is convinced that this is the only solution possible. Meredith Michaels Beerbaum asked about the timetable of the enforcement of this new rule. Sabrina Ibáñez replied that the FEI has sent the decision taken during its General Assembly in Tokyo to the IOC, which will make its decision in February 2017. The FEI Secretary General stated that the FEI will be pleased to receive a delegation of riders discuss all issues that make them uncomfortable. Eleonora Ottaviani underlined that the NFs voted for the proposal and not the FEI. There are some NFs that didn’t follow their riders’ requests. It is generally acknowledged that many National Federations voted in favor of this rule without asking their riders’ opinions. Cian O’Connor remarked that nobody saw this request from the IOC and that probably there was no specific request to change the Olympic Format. The Equestrian events at the London Olympics were a success in each discipline. It would be difficult for riders of countries not used at this kind of competition to show such a high level of sport. The risk could also be that course designers have to lower the level of the courses. Concerning communication between the FEI and the IJRC: when invited, it will always be possible to find a good delegation of IJRC members to meet the FEI anytime! About decisions taken by the IJRC: John Madden’s proposal has never been changed, despite many other possible options over the past two years. It is also known that a conflict of interest may arise for some members in of the IJRC. Anyway, he continued, the NFs are the mirror of the FEI! He stated that some NFs did consult their riders, but in the end didn’t listen to them! Eric Lamaze remarked that the Canadian riders had a meeting with a representative of their NF; the riders told them clearly that they were against the new format, considering the excellent sport showed in London and Rio on TV. After the meeting they were convinced that the Canadian Federation would not vote in favour of the changes, but they did. This, for all the riders, was frustrating and disappointing. Those present underlined that:
- The same thing occurred in other federations, too.

- To verify the criteria for membership of the FEI (horses’/riders’ international participation; FIS Statutes request minimum 500 Athletes)
- To consider that technical matters should be put into force by those who are involved in the sport. Only federations with Olympic athletes have the right to vote on Olympic regulations.
- To listen to the athletes’ voices and consider them as serious professionals; to come towards the riders and make positive steps to get to know them!