The FEI Jumping World Cup has thirteen stops this season, and Jumping Mechelen is the ninth one. The 18 best Europeans will be competing in the final in Göteborg, early April. Belgium currently has four riders in that top 18; Pieter Devos (2), Gudrun Patteet (4), Niels Bruynseels (10) and Olivier Philippaerts (16). Pieter and Olivier made it to the finals last year, but for Niels and Gudrun it would be a first. Traditionally, the upcoming competitions will be allocated after Jumping Mechelen, depending on the results at Flanders Christmas Horse Show. Jumping Mechelen is of crucial importance, not only to our Belgian riders, but also to the other worldwide stars that will be participating. World number one and last year's winner, Harrie Smolders, will compete against world number two, Steve Guerdat. The French are also sending a strong delegation. Roger Yves Bost, the winner of 2016, Kevin Staut and Simon Delestre will be heading to the Nekkerhal. Living legend Ludger Beerbaum, who unluckily crashed during last year’s World Cup, has revenge on his mind. He will be coming back to Mechelen, joined by fellow Germans Daniel Deusser, Christian Ahlmann and Philipp Weishaupt. With13 contenders the Belgian delegation is the biggest one: Niels Bruynseels, Karel Cox, Pieter Devos, Jerome Guery, Dominique Hendrickx, François Mathy jr, Gudrun Patteet, Nicola and Olivier Philippaerts, Celine Schoonbroodt, Christophe Vanderhasselt, Jos Verlooy and Gregory Wathelet. World Cup driving: WEG’s no.’s 1, 2 and 3 will be competing In september, Australia’s Boyd Exell was crowned world champion for the fifth time in his career. The American Chester Weber and Belgium’s own Edouard Simonet placed second and third. These three drivers will be joining us in Mechelen. This means we will be welcoming the golden, silver and bronze medalists of this year’s World Equestrian Games. Glenn Geerts, a member of the bronze team in Tryon, will also be present. He has been performing really well, but never took home a World Cup victory. So Glenn will definitely be keen to win in Malines. Dressage World Cup: Back with a bang After several years of absence, we will again be hosting a dressage World Cup at Jumping Mechelen. Isabel Cool, Jeroen Devroe, David Engelen, Fanny Verliefden and Jorinde Verwimp will be competing against former Olympic, European and World Champions like Helen Langehanenberg, Edward Gal and Hans Peter Minderhoud. For an overview of all participants, please click here. On our website you can find the full program of Jumping Mechelen 2018. You can also download several starting lists (Gouden Teugel, Indoor Masters, Darco Cup, ...).