Not only did Kent Farrington invest in his own new 4-year-old, the USA show jumping rider has welcomed a new mount in his stables, Kaprice van't Roosakker. The 6-year-old Echo van't Spieveld out of the mare Electra van 't Roosakker is in ownership of Stephex CEO, Stephan Conter. Conter comments on the trusted partnership between Stephex Stables and Kent Farrington. "Both Creedance and Gazelle come from our stables. Kaprice has the qualities to make a match with Kent," states Conter. Together with Dieter Laheyne Kaprice jumped to the Belgian Championshipstitle in Gesves earlier this year. At the FEI World Breeding Championships in Lanaken in September, Kaprice qualified for the finals with STX-rider, Lorenzo de Luca. Kaprice's pedigree is an example of top level sport. Both Echo van 't Spieveld as Electra van't Roosakker have competed on an international five-star level. Respectively by Niels Bruynseels and Jos Lansink.