The nineteen year old Lucas Porter from Dallas Texas is training under the Dutch showjumper Jeroen Dubbeldam. Together with his older brother Wilton he decided to across the ocean to work with with one of Europe's best horseman's of the world. They are training with Dubbeldam in his stables in the Netherlands 'De Sjiem' in a small town called Weerselo. Lucas's goal is simple: I want to become the best rider and horseman in the world. "Not only do I want to perform in the ring, but I would like to be a really good horseman. For me that is what Jeroen Dubbeldam is and that's the person who I want to learn everything from". Dubbeldam talks about his pupil: "He is a guy with a lot of talent. He is very ambitious and he wants to make ik to the top. If you ask me, he will is going to make it!". Back at home he knew a few of the worlds top riders already. He competed against his other idols like Beezie Madden, McLain Ward and Kent Farrington. But his number one idol is Jeroen Dubbeldam. "I really admire him for what he has achieved. Not only has he reached the top of the world with De Sjiem and with Zenith. But he is a real horseman and I hope I can learn a lot from him. He knows how to create a tophorse, how to win and how to sell a tophorse", tells Porter to World of Showjumping. "He is a very relaxed coach. He wont excite himself to much, but also knows how to be timide. "Im trusting him for a 100% in whatever he says or asks me to do. He wants for me and my brother to use our brains and don't become robots. He allows us to give our own input and feedback and wants us to develop our own system". The difference in the showjumping world between the Sates and Europe is quite impressive. Here in Europe the riders like to come together after a show and hangout and talk about their day, we don't have that back in the States. Both brother will be returing home in the ending of 2017. Both will have learned a lot from the Dutch Showjumper. Read the complete interview over here.