A new study, conducted by  the German National Federation FN , revealed equestrian can be described as; determined, enthusiastic, structured and balanced . The FN studied the effects of year-long relationships between horse and rider on the personal development already in August 2012. The study proved that especially for children and teenagers, horses are extremely helpful in developing independence and determination – facts that were assumed  for a long time already. That is an important add-on for parents when it comes to choosing the right hobby for their children. Horses foster characteristics like enthusiasm and the ability to work under pressure. What’s more, working with horses encourages structured processes. These attributes are significantly higher developed in equestrians compared to non-equestrians. Social aspects “The close contact with the animal requires a high degree of empathy and sensitivity for the subtle body language of horses. This capability helps when dealing with people, too,” Soenke Lauterbach, General Secretary of the FN emphasizes. On top of that, most equestrians answered in the survey that they feel more balanced and satisfied because of their exposure to horses.