The now 16-year-old Rex Z-daughter, Regina Z will retire from the sport. May, last year, Regina Z and Harrie Smolders won the Longines Global Champions Tour Grand Prix in Shanghai to top the cherry ont heir career. About one year ago hower an injury did put a halt on Regina's career. Now Regina's rider has decided to retire her from the sport. In April Smolders did compete Regina again at a national competition in Belgium. The pair continued with a couple of international 3* events, among others at the Azelhof in Lier. "She's still in a winning mood, nevertheless she feels different. That is why I've decided to retire her from the sport," states Smolders. Regina Z will continue her career for breeding. At the moment Regina has already some offsprings in the sport such as Magic Blue Z (Mr. Blue) and Victoria Z (by Vigo d'Arsouilles).