Read more: Reuse: You may use up to 20 words and link back to this page. Other reuse not permitted Follow us: @HorsetalkNZ on Twitter | Horsetalk on Facebook A showjumper from the United Arab Emirates has been suspended and fined after his mount tested positive for the painkiller propoxyphene and a related substance. Mohammad Shafi H Al Rumaithi had jumped Royal des Fontaines at the two-star jumping competition in Ghantoot, in the UAE, from October 30 to November 1. The horse subsequently returned positive urine and blood tests for the banned substance propoxyphene and a positive urine test for the drug’s metabolite, norpropoxyphene. Propoxyphene and norpropoxyphene are opiate painkillers. The FEI Tribunal, comprising Jane Mulcahy, Henrik Arle and Randi Haukebo, imposed a 24-month suspension and fined Al Rumaithi 1000 Swiss Francs. He was also ordered to pay 1000 Swiss Francs towards the cost of the judicial procedure. The tribunal also imposed a 24-month suspension on Juma Mohamed Khamees Alromaithi, the owner of Royal des Fontaines, following his admission that he ordered that Fustex – an Argentinian product which he later discovered contained propoxyphene – be given to the horse. He was also fined 2000 Swiss Francs and costs of 1000 Swiss Francs. A preliminary hearing took place late in 2014 in which Al Rumaithi explained that, following an investigation, he had learned that a groom – on order of the owner of the horse – had injected Fustex into the horse in order to strengthen it for the season. Al Rumaithi said he had ridden Royal des Fontaines only at the event and had not had anything to do with his preparation beforehand. He said he had asked the new owner whether Royal des Fontaines had been given any medication and the new owner said the horse had not. Al Rumaithi said he had competed at national and international level since 1997, and his reputation with regards to anti-doping rules had been impeccable. Alromaithi, of the UAE, confirmed to the tribunal on January 6 this year that he had been the owner of Royal des Fontaines since the beginning of February 2014. He explained that, since he had felt that the horse had been tired, almost a year ago he had bought a product called Fustex from a Dr Mahmoud, who had worked (but no longer worked) in the Fares AI-Khaleej Shop. He said Mahmoud had not informed him that the product was “illegal”.