The last few months of the year are always a very important period for Studfarm Zangersheide; it is, after all, the time of the year for stallion transfers. As the first new name for its 2018 stallion catalogue the Belgian studfarm introduces the stallion Heartbeat. Heartbeat was born in the Netherlands and is a son of Heartbreaker. He performed successfully in the sport under the Danish Soren Knudsen and Torben Frandsen before focussing exclusively on his breeding career at the studfarm of his Swedish owner, Lövsta stuteri. “We are very excited about the arrival of Heartbeat to add the blood of Heartbreaker to our collection. Currently, Heartbeat is racing up in the rankings for sires and among the sires with offspring of up to 11-yr-olds he is even holding place 9 world-wide. The stallion owes latter place to his numerous products that are active at international level. Steve Guerdat’s Albführens’ Happiness, Shane Sweetnam’s Main Road, Andreas Schou’s Hazel BS, … are already all performing at 1m60 level and the next age group of Heartbeats is eager to follow these in their footstep” says Judy Ann Melchior. “In addition, the products of this unique Heartbreaker son are doing exceptionally well on the market; for example, the 5-yr-old Hulapalu was sold at Holger Hetzel’s auction for € 450,000. Heartbeat passes on blood, quality and an immaculate technique. A complete sire whose input and pedigree fit perfectly into our collection.”