It is a hard question to answer, but what do great riders have in common that makes them appealing to watch, steadily develop their riding skills and become role models for others to aspire to emulate? Well here are some characteristics… 1. Persistence: Good riders will try and try again. They know the slow and steady approach always wins the 'race'. There are always ore rides, more days to come! A Good rider is aware he/she might have to repeat several steps. They know that even if something falls apart today, there will be more days to come and small steps even backward are more beneficial than quick fixes or shortcuts. 2. Open-mindedness: Good riders know there is something to be learned from everyone, even if to see proof of why NOT to do something. These riders are not discipline exclusive, and are always aware that good riding is good riding is good riding, regardless of the saddle or style. Good riders can trouble-shoot through problems to come to gratifying solutions. They have many tools in their “tool-boxes” and know there is more than one way to approach a situation. They are always willing to try new things. 3. Quitting: This may seem counter-intuitive, but good riders quit while they’re ahead. They ride for short periods of time to their highest ability and then call it a day. They seem to intuitively know when enough is enough. 4. Effectiveness: Good riders seek maximum effectiveness with minimum harm. They make every step count, and they resist overriding the horse for the sake of performance. Even more they regularly seek to upgrade their riding skills and general horse education. They are willing to spend time, money and humility in the quest for constant self-improvement. 5. Role Models: Good riders know good riding when they see it and seek to surround themselves with those who will not only help them improve on a riding level, but also on a more personal and inspirational level as well.