844210bd6e182c951ba93ef59f46a9b9Germany has nominated it's riders for the European Championships in Herning, Denmark. The championship squad will consist of; Christian Ahlmann with Codex One or Taloubet Z, Daniel Deusser with Cornet D'Amour, Carsten-Otto Nagel with Corradina and Philipp Weishaupt with Monte Bellini. Ludger Beerbaum and Chiara are nominated as reserves for the EC. Of his selection German coach Otto Becker says to St.-Georg: "It was a very difficult decision. The jumping committee has discussed it at length, because we have a lot of couples that are absolutely on par. Both Marcus Ehning with Plot Blue and Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum with Bella Donna, could easily be imagined on the team. " ©equnews.com / St.-Georg