Why did you want to participate in the contest?

When I saw the message, I was immediately enthusiastic. I am someone who tries to seize every opportunity to develop myself further and get the best out of myself. So I could not let this opportunity pass me by. Moreover, I was already familiar with the brand and it seemed a great honour to be able to represent them!

2. How did the process go and what did you have to do?

After I applied and left a short motivation, we were told that we had been selected for the second round. This meant we had to post a photo to convince everyone that we were the real LJ Superfan. We passed this task with flying colours and suddenly it became very real! We were among the last 25 to be selected for the final. This meant that we had to record a video showing everyone that we were the ultimate #ljsuperfan. This was quite a job and we spent 2 days filming and editing everything. But I can say that I am very proud of the result!

3. How did you go about these things?

What started out as a simple application for a sponsorship competition ended up as a major assignment. We put in a lot of hours of work, but it was definitely worth it! First we got inspiration and worked out our ideas and then we finished them off piece by piece.

4. What makes you such a big LJ fan?

I have been riding LJ Leathers since my pony days and this collection has only grown over the years. It is an elegant and stylish brand that is very popular in the equestrian world. So as a Belgian I can only be proud of this strong Belgian brand!

5. What was your first reaction when you saw you won?

I had been stressing for several hours and the tension was enormous! It was a very strong and diverse field of participants so everyone had a great chance. The favourable factor of the other candidates was also big, which made it even more pleasant! At the time of the announcement, I was still busy with the horses. My photographer immediately called me to share the good news and I could hardly believe it! What followed was a very hysterical and overjoyed mood. A nice side note is that when we drove home afterwards, the song Hall of Fame by The script was played on the radio. We sang along loudly and from now on it will be the song that reminds me of this day forever!

6. What do you expect from the sponsorship?

I am looking forward to a nice cooperation and getting to know the people behind LJ Leathers better. Of course I'm also very proud to be part of such a great team and I'm looking forward to the future! I also hope that I can inspire many more people to pursue their dreams and that with a lot of perseverance you can get far!

7. What are your favourite products from LJ?

I already own a whole range of LJ Leathers equipment, so it is difficult for me to pick just one favourite. But my LJ Leathers saddle has become my most loyal and indispensable 'compagnon le route' so to speak, haha.

8.Who would you like to thank?

I really want to thank everyone for the support and the massive support of my dream because this was definitely a team effort! I would also like to thank Evy Borms of "Evy Borms Photography" for capturing the beautiful images. But also my friends and family who always support me in achieving my goals, and especially my friend Yarno Geeroms, because he was always by my side. Finally, a sincere thank you to the team of LJ Leathers because they have set up this wonderful initiative. Thanks for this once-in-a-lifetime experience and I can't wait for the future together with LJ Leathers! #dreamscometrue!

Photo: Evy Borms