With a sales percentage of more than 95% this Mixed Summer Edition was a great success. The horses and embryos are sold all over the world.

Top prices for the Young Horses Cinderella D Z and Plathina van’t Ruytershof and the embryo by Cornet Obolensky out of World Cup winner Arielle. They all go to the Old Lodge Stud in the UK.

"Wednesday, it was Björn’s funeral. Björn was my good friend, business partner and inspirer of ET Auction. Today his auction confirmed his international breakthrough, it couldn’t be more confronting. One more special thank to Björn for all that he has done for ET Auction and a lot of strength for his family and friends," states co-organiser Valentijn de Bock.

You can see all sales results at the auction page: et-auction.be/en/auction-overview.